Mashing with steam

Thu August 20 2009 by Christopher Aedo

I've been brewing beer for a little while now, and have been having a lot of fun with it. As it seems to go with all my hobbies I just kept escalating, expecting to eventually have a huge crazy brewing setup (aka "brew sculpture") with three computer controlled burners, multiple …

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shoes are bad!

Wed August 19 2009 by Christopher Aedo

EXCELLENT book, probably one of the best I've read recently:
Born to Run: A Hidden Tribe, Superathletes, and the Greatest Race the World Has Never Seenbook

Good article (shoes are bad!), Popular Mechanics says so!

Another good article (seriously, shoes are bad!), Popular Science agrees!

[UPDATE: Some interesting links …

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Homebrew Primer

Wed August 19 2009 by Christopher Aedo

I wrote this up for my friend Moshe, and have since forwarded it to probably five or six people who are interested in brewing their own beer. I thought I might as well put it up here, should make it a lot easier for me to share!

WOW, here's my …

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a start

Wed August 19 2009 by Christopher Aedo

I've had a few different blogs over the years, but I've never paid much attention to them, and eventually abandoned them generally due to lack of (personal) interest. With luck, I won't give up on this one!

I don't imagine there will be an overriding theme, I'm just hoping I'll …

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